North Fork Logging Comment Now
The Forest Service it at it again in their effort to radically increase logging on the Nez Perce and Clearwater National Forests. This time, the Forest Service is proposing to log on the divide around Deception Saddle in the North Fork of the Clearwater. This area drains into both the main North Fork and Kelly Creeks. The remaining old growth forest in the area appears to be the target of the Forest Service proposal and clearcuts will go right up to the edge of the Kelly Creek/Hoodoo/Great Burn and Moose Mountain roadless areas. Comments are needed by June 28. Click here to comment.
Wolf and Wilderness Protection Petition
On June 9, a coalition of wildlife advocates and hunters, including Friends of the Clearwater, represented by the non-profit environmental law firm Earthjustice, tasked the U.S. Forest Service to issue new protections for wolves in designated wilderness areas following Idaho and Montana’s enactment of a rash of aggressive anti-wolf laws. This is a formal petition, to which the agency must respond. Places such as the Selway-Bitterroot, Gospel-Hump, Frank Church-River of No Return, and Hells Canyon Wildernesses are within or near the Wild Clearwater Country. To learn more, click here.