Talking points for you to consider:
- The project is located in Crooked River, a tributary to the South Fork Clearwater River. Orogrande (mostly a collection of a few summer homes on old mining claims) is along Crooked River.
- This proposal would log and thin nearly 250-acres in the West Fork Crooked River Roadless Area, which is identified in the Idaho Roadless Rule. The vast majority of this roadless area is proposed for addition to the Gospel-Hump Wilderness in the Northern Rockies Ecosystem Protection Act.
- The environmental assessment (EA) for the project is insufficient to analyze the impacts to this roadless area. Even though the logging is in the least wild portion of the roadless area, that is no excuse to violate agency commitments and case law that states logging in roadless areas must be accompanied by an environmental impact statement (EIS). The Forest Service is starting to propose logging projects in roadless areas again.
- The proposal would log or thin 1100-acres with another approx. 2500-acres for prescribed fire.
- This large timber sale is inconsistent with FS research that shows the best way to protect structures is to do treatment within 40-meters (about 150-feet) of structures.
- We have concerns over logging adjacent to old-growth, which results in an edge effect, and diminishes the value of these ancient forests and wildlife habitat.
Comments are due by Friday May 29. Send an email or mail to:
Terry Nevius, District Ranger
Red River Ranger District
300 American River Road
Elk City, ID 83525